The other day, I got my notice to join our local CSA: Community Supported Agriculture co-op. In the last ten or years or so, Community Supported Agriculture has been on the rise. It is a popular way for consumers to get fresh, local, and in season fruits and vegetables directly from a farmer. The consumer purchases a “share” (or membership) and in return receives a basket or box of seasonal vegetables/fruit weekly. Some CSAs are not just confined to produce, but may include meats, eggs, flowers, etc.
The benefits for the customer are numerous. You get “just picked”, local, ultra-fresh produce. What you receive is loaded with flavor and vitamin benefits. Also, you get to try various produce indigenous to the region and maybe items you have NEVER tried before.
My husband and I joined for the first time last year. It was fun to see each week what we would receive. And it made a fun challenge to try to use up the entire basket before receiving another. I got to try new recipes and flavors that I have not had before. Much to our surprise, we liked most of it. However, there was an occasional disaster or vegetable that we detested (mainly eggplant!). Usually on the night we received the basket, we deemed it farm basket dinner. We just cooked and ate what was in the basket. What you receive in the grocery, dims in comparison the intense flavors that we received weekly in the basket. By the way, the kids get into this as well. My sister-in-law joined last year, and she informed her kids that they were going to have to eat what was in that basket. They really got into the surprise each week, and looked forward to trying new things. She made it an educational thing as well as they got to go to the farm to pick up the basket, and meet the farmer who grew their food. And as a result, my niece and nephew have a broader palate and eat a healthier diet.
CSAs are all around. They are growing in number. The spring crop is just about to be harvested, so don’t delay in joining one – NOW is the time to get in on one, if you want the spring/summer farm baskets. Here is a link to various local CSAs in the Houston area. This is just one link, I am sure there are others. http://www.ecovian.com/s/houston/csa-food-delivery
I will be including some simple, easy recipes that I used throughout the year last year with my farm baskets. So, if you are new to paleo, or want to step out and try new things, this is a great way to jump in with both feet. Enjoy the weekly surprises!