Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Take Back Control

You were doing so well, you were going to the gym regularly, eating healthy, getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of water, getting things done, had lots of energy, and then BAM! Life hits. Whether it was illness, life events, a work crisis or emotional struggles, we have all been there. It is easy to grab take out or that bag of chips, it is easy to sleep in just a few minutes longer and skip the workout. You know you will feel better if you just do those WOD’s or cook Paleo tonight, but you just don’t have the motivation. What can you do? Well, sometimes you just have to let it all play out. Do the best you can, and try to do some of those things that you know will help. The main important things to do are to sleep, hydrate, and eat healthy. Make those the top priorities and deal with those life issues.

But, when you are ready, how do you TAKE BACK CONTROL and get back on track?

1. Take an honest look at what happened. Look at the triggers for poor eating, lack of sleep and skipping workouts. Knowing these triggers will help you in the future when life hits again.

2. Take a moment to reflect on WHY you live a healthy lifestyle. Look at what your priorities are/were. Revisit your goals again. Knowing your goals, where you want to be, and why you want to be there, will help motivate you to get back on track.

3. Re-focus. Look at the extra stuff in your life. See what you can cut out. Have intense focus on the priorities of working out, sleeping and eating right. Do these things no matter what it takes. Perhaps you cut out TV, going out with friends, etc. for awhile, just to get the important things back into your life on a regular basis.

4. JUST DO IT. Even if you don’t feel like it, do it. Studies have shown it takes 3-4 weeks for a habit to form (roughly 21 days). Of course, this varies from person to person, but the idea here is repetition. The more you repeat a behavior, the more it becomes a habit. You don’t have to have your heart into it at firs. JUST DO IT. The more you do it, the more you will begin to see the benefits, and before you know it, your motivation returns.

5. Plan. Get your planner out and put in the items you NEED to do. Workouts, meal planning, sleep, grocery shopping, ordering your CSA or Farm items. Think through what you do to keep yourself healthy and put it in your planner. If you plan, you know it is coming, and it will help you to DO those things you need to do.

6. We are our own worst enemies sometimes. We place pressure on ourselves as to where we SHOULD be rather, than where we are. So, check your ego at the door. Don’t be so hard on yourself if you are not where you USED to be. Remember, it took you some time to get there. Suck it up…and do your best with where you are at – give it your all. That is all your trainer asks of you, and that is all you can do.

7. Get back to the basics. Have your trainer help you assess where you are at and what you can do. Stays hydrated with water, and keep your diet to simple, Paleo foods. Recipes should be simple. Snacks should be easy and simple, save the gourmet dinners to a later time when you have more motivation. Get these three things into your daily routine quickly, and I think you will begin to see results again.

It’s your life, take control back!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Quick Side Dish for Potlucks and Barbecues is summer. Backyard barbecues, picnics and potlucks. Need a quick but delicious side dish to take? They will never know this is Paleo friendly.

Cavewoman Broccoli Salad

8 Cups fresh broccoli florets
1 bunch green onions, thinly sliced
1/2 cup dried cranberries
3 TBSP grapeseed oil
3 TBSP red wine vinegar
2 TBSP agvave nector
1/4 cup sunflower kernals
3 bacon strips (nitrate free bacon), cooked and crumbled

In a large bowl, combine the broccoli, onions, and cranberries. In a small bowl, whisk the oil, vinegar, and agave nector; drizzle over broccoli and toss to coat. Chill until serving. Sprinkle with sunflower kernels and bacon.

Add cauliflower, red onion and/or almonds for additional variety.

NOW...get out there and enjoy summer!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Everyday Paleo Cookbook

Did you know that the owner of the CrossFit gym you all work out in is the best brother??? I dropped a hint in an April post that I wanted Sarah Fragoso's Everyday Paleo cookbook. Lo and behold, in mid May I got a package with the newly released copy.

For those of you who do not know, Sarah Fragoso is a a trainer at Robb Wolf's NorCal Strength & Conditioning Center. Also, she author's the blog Everyday Paleo, Recipes for Life Numerous people have gone to Sarah for help with the practical implementation of the Paleo diet. If that is not enough, she is a wife and mother of three sons. She has had the challenge of changing her families eating habits and lifestyle...all the while trying to maintain a balance between work and home.

I was excited for this book, because she wants food to be simple to make, yet taste good. I don't know about you, but when I have tried to substitute Paleo ingredients into some of my standard recipes, they didn't turn out so good. Well, Sarah has tried and tested some "regular" recipes to make tasty Paleo food that even kids will like. One of the recipes that is a must try, is the Paleo Pizza. Her crust is most similar to regular pizza crust.

Plus, she has some great features in this book. Included are shopping aids, menu planning help, and a large photo illustrated workout routine. If you do not have this on your kitchen shelf, you need to get it. The book is great if you have kids AND for busy people on the go.

Thank you Rob & Sandra for a great birthday gift and resource. If you do not have it, order your copy today. I know you will love it.