You cannot turn on the TV without seeing the gloom and doom forecasts of the bad economy. Why, even this morning, saw that gas prices will rise to level highs by the end of the summer to $5.00 a gallon. That’s CRAZY! Already, I can see the effects of this in the supermarkets. Heads of lettuce - $3.00; ONE head of cauliflower - $4.00; 3 natural chicken breasts - $8.50.
In December, my job was a casualty of the bad economy. My husband and I decided to try to make it on one income. But, to do that, we had to slash our budget. And, the grocery bill was part of that. To add fuel to the fire, my husband’s employer recently went with a different health insurance to try to save money as well. The plan is one of those new health savings plans out there that has a HIGH deductible. So, it is going to cost us a pretty penny each time we go to the doctor.
Like many Americans out there, we are faced with a challenge. How do we eat healthy in order to stay healthy on a very limited budget? My husband and I are in agreement, we want to continue this Paleo lifestyle as best we can. So, what to do?
Here are some tips I found on various sources of the Internet and some of my own ways to save money:
1. COUPON IT! Search high and low for coupons on the stuff you buy. Look for coupons in your Sunday paper (although many of those are for highly processed foods – but occasionally you come across good ones), the Internet, and sometimes the companies themselves. You can find “Dollar off “store coupons – this week our local grocery store was offering $10.00 of a $50.00 purchase. Coupons coupled with sales can bring GREAT SAVINGS. Yesterday, I got $65.00 worth of groceries for $35.00.
2. Don’t be afraid of regular grocery stores like H-E-B or WalMart even. Look for SALE ITEMS at your local groceries. Often butchers will put meat & produce on sale when it is close to the sell by date/expiration dates. I have been shocked at our local grocery stores. I have seen all natural, grass fed, no hormone meats on sale. It would not hurt to ask your grocery stores butcher or produce manager to give you a call when he is about to put stuff on sale. GREAT SAVINGS here, when you can get it.
3. BUY IN BULK! Whether you are buying at a grocery store and plucking all those great deals or buying through a warehouse club, buying in bulk can save on certain items. COSTCO is probably one of the friendlier warehouse clubs to a healthy lifestyle. You can buy natural meats, nuts, fruits and veggies, and nut butters at COSTCO. Consider splitting a membership with a friend. Or consider buying online some of the products you need and splitting it with several friends, like a co-op.
4. MAKE YOUR OWN. It pains me to pay $11.99 for about 2.5 cups of Almond Flour, or $2 per Larabar. That is OUTRAGEOUS. I am making my own these days. It is a little more work, but much cheaper. Purchase items like a food dehydrator, nut grinders, etc. Look for recipes or ways to make your own.
5. BUY LOCAL. Join your local CSA, Farm CO-OPS, or go to the local farmers market. When you do this, buying in season is cheaper. Be flexible, look for what is available for inexpensive prices and build your menu around that.
6. BE YOUR OWN HUNTER or GATHERER – grow your own or hunt your own! My husband is an avid hunter. Each season we have a freezer full of meat he has hunted himself. Boy, has that saved us a great deal of money on meat – and it is good for you too! Plant your own garden and herbs. Various regions will have Pick-U-Own fields or orchards. Take advantage – not only is it a fun outing for the family, but you can stretch your budget by picking your own. If you are a canner, you can save even more money this way AND have fresh, healthy products all year long.
7. SHOP OUTSIDE OF THE BOX. Look for fresh produce & Paleo products at stores like the local Mexican or Oriental groceries. Shop at places like Trader Joe’s. Sometimes these products are less expensive, even the produce than your local Walmart. This summer, I am going to attend a produce auction. I have never heard of it. But, my sister-in-law says, that if you are willing to buy in bulk, you can get items for cheap, especially if you are canning.
8. Finally, PLAN. I find that when I plan out my meals, I have less waste. I am maximizing the items that I purchase and cook by using it all or reinventing the leftovers. If I plan, I will have all items on hand.
Let us know if you have any other tips. Post it here, so that we can all learn together.
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